Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Go Pink!
1. Eat your veggies
Packed with cancer-fighting vitamins and minerals, fresh vegetables and fruits are also important to ensure a healthy digestive and immune system. You should strive for at least 5-6 servings of this food group daily (1 serving size = a palm-size of fresh salad leaves = a fist of cooked veggies = 1 medium sliced fruit).

Green tea contains flavonoids that are potent antioxidants. Statistics show that cancer risk is reduced in people who drink green tea regularly compared to those who don't. So the next time you want a cuppa, go green!
3. Stave off the fats
There are the 'good' fats and there are the 'bad' fats. You need about 30% of fats daily from your total energy intake. Why not go for monounsaturated and the polyunsaturated fats instead? Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 are examples of good fats that you can obtain from food sources such as flaxseed, nuts, seeds, oily deep sea marine fish and plant oils. Cut down your intakes of animal fats such as lard, organ meats and poultry skin.
4. Yup, can't seem to emphasise this enough, quit smoking.
With the recent hike of a 20-stick pack of cigarettes to RM 10, it is perhaps high-time to kick the habit once and for all. People who smoke are at a higher risks of getting oral-nasal and lung cancers. Besides that, second-hand smokers are also not spared as their risks of getting cancer are also higher compared to those who are not exposed to the smoke.
5. Limit alcohol intake

One to two drinks a day is fine. Excessive alcohol intakes, on the other hand, do not just impair liver functions, but also promote cancer growth. If you need to unwind, go for red wine instead.
6. BSE
Breast-Self Examination is crucial as this can help save lives. Perform a BSE 7-10 days after your menses to detect any irregularities, abnormal discharge and dimpling of the skin. Any lumps that are detected (on the breasts or underarms) should be brought to the attention of a specialist for further testing. Early diagnosis normally leads to good prognosis.

7. Exercise
Don't want to sound like a nagger but exercise helps relieve stress, promotes detoxification via the sweat glands and burns fats. People who are obese/overweight have a higher chance of getting cancer.
8. Anti-ageing
This is sad, but cancer risk does increase with age. Supplementation with antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamins C,E, astaxanthin and alpha lipoic acid may be beneficial in helping to slow down the ageing process and thus, fight cancers.
9. Go for yearly medical check-ups
You are advised to go for an ultrasound scan if you are 30 years and above and a mammogram if you are 45 years and above. If you have a family history of breast cancer (e.g. mother, sister with the disease), go for a mammogram once you have hit 35 years of age. A thorough check-up will help detect malignant lumps before they spread.
10. A good bra

Well, there's no conclusive evidence to show that an ill-fitted bra will lead to cancer, but it is alarming to know that 80% of women wear ill-fitted bra (too loose or too tight). Bra is not just a piece of undergarment, but also acts as a support to prevent sagging, especially if you are physically active. A good-fitted bra also allows blood flow and proper drainage of the lymph nodes.
There, you have it. My top 10 breast care tips in commemoration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October.
Also, do check out my podcast if you have the time.....happy listening!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Influenza A (H1N1) : What you need to know
Same as seasonal flu, symptoms of H1N1 are:
- Fever
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Headache
- Muscle and joint pain
- Malaise
- Vomiting and diarrhoea in some cases
Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (originally referred to as 'swine flu') is a highly contagious acute respiratory disease. The virus can spread from person to person, through exposure to infected droplets expelled by cough or sneeze, or contact with contaminated hands or surfaces.
The mortality rate for H1N1 is not alarming, less than 0.5% and is not any higher compared to ordinary flu. On the contrary to the H1N1 flu, the SARS virus which affected the ASEAN countries back in 2003 saw a mortality rate of 10-20%. As for the Avian flu, the mortality rate is higher, 262 people died from a total of 429 people infected worldwide.
Some of the precautions one should adopt include improving personal hygiene like washing your hands with soap and water, especially after a cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleansers are also effective. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue away after use. Wear a facemask to prevent spreading the virus to others, especially when sharing common spaces with household members who are at high risk of complications from influenza. Stay home if you are sick until at least 24 hours after you no longer have fever. Visit the doctor if you suspect that you have come in contact with persons suffering from H1N1 flu.
As all flu are caused by viruses, doctors may give you anti-viral jabs but most of the time, you need to rely on your body's immune system to do the job. Hence, prepping your immune system with immuno-boosting nutrients may be beneficial.
Up your intake of vitamin C. You can obtain this either from foods or supplements. Bear in mind that you would need to take more fruits (5 servings) to get enough vitamin C and also go for freshly-cut fruits rather than buying from fruit vendors (as the Vitamin C content may be lost due to exposure to sunlight and air). I would suggest a combination of vitamin C, A, E, Zinc in tablet form as you are assured that you are getting enough and it is convenient. Vitamin C is water-soluble and may stay in your body for a short while before your body get rid of it via urination. Therefore, combining with fat-soluble vitamins such as A and E may also give extra protection to the immune system as they are stored in the fatty region of the cells.
As for herbs, you may try garlic, echinacea and horseradish which people use to treat upper respiratory tract infections such as sinus and colds (should be taken at first onset of symptoms).
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
5 mins in the outdoors can boost your self-esteem
Just spending 5 mins outdoors a day can help improve mental health, said a recent study published in the The Journal Environmental Science & Technology.
Researchers from the University of Essex found that 'green activities' such as gardening, farming, boating, walking and cycling can boost mood and self-esteem. They found that the greatest health improvement occurred in the young and the mentally ill, although people from all age groups benefited. The researchers further recommend that all natural environments were beneficial, including parks in towns and cities, but green areas with water features appeared to have more positive effects.
Read the full article here:
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Earth Hour - join the movement
Earth Hour Malaysia
Since its inception three years ago, Earth Hour’s non-partisan approach has captured the world’s imagination and became a global phenomenon. Nearly one billion people turned out for Earth Hour 2009 – involving 4,100 cities in 87 countries on seven continents.
2009 was the first time Malaysia officially participated in Earth Hour bringing Malaysians to turn off their lights for one hour to show their support towards climate change. Many prominent landmarks such as KLCC, Bintang Walk and almost all major city buildings also switched off their lights for an hour. Its estimated that more than 5 million Malaysians participated in Earth Hour.Do your part, spread the words around, send e-mails to your associates and friends and get them to switch off the lights this coming Saturday, 27th March, 8:30pm for at least an hour. Together, we can all make a difference!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Diva - Female anatomy? It's a grey area
Applying the blood from your first period to your face will prevent pimples?.....C'mon....24 per cent of Indian women believe you can tell if a woman is a virgin by the smile on her face??
The Kotex BodyLife IQ Study involved 1,800 women in Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, India and Malaysia in April last year. These women are required to answer 10 questions about their anatomy, pregnancy, myths and facts.
One of the questions which most women polled are clueless about is the number of openings they have down south.......
Answer: 3
1. Urethra 2. Vagina 3. Anus
David's version
1. pee hole 2. fuck hole 3. asshole
Overall, 82 per cent of all the women surveyed answered this question wrongly......OMG, they seriously need to go back to Biology class
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Gut health linked to excessive weight gain during pregnancy

Gut health linked to excessive weight gain during pregnancy
"The link between gut microflora populations and weight may also extend to pregnancy, with a new study revealing that women who gain excessive weight during pregnancy have different microflora profiles."
A study with 50 pregnant women revealed that women who experienced excessive weight gain during pregnancy had more Escherichia coli bacteria in their gut, and fewer Bifidobacteria than women with normal weight gain during pregnancy. Yes, we need more of the good bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus and not so much of the E. coli and enterobacter.
A breakthrough paper published in Nature in December 2006 reported that microbial populations in the gut are different between obese and lean people, and that when the obese people lost weight their microflora reverted back to that observed in a lean person, suggesting that obesity may have a microbial component.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Big C
The Chinese in Malaysia are also more susceptible to Cancer as compared to the Malay and Indian race. Cancer risk also increases with age. It is projected that 10% of those age > 60 years will have cancer in Malaysia (based on an overview by researchers back in 2002).
Eventhough I do not have the most recent data, from my observation, if you live past 60 and is a Chinese, you are at risk of getting some form of cancer......females would be breasts and cervical and men, it can be lung and colon. Your risks can also double if you live till 80. Therefore, it came as a no-brainer when a population ages, the cancer stats will rise in tandem.
Prognosis is normally good if cancer of the breasts and cervical are detected early via mammography and pap smear, but detection is harder for internal organs such as pancrease, liver and lung which can be attributed to high costs for such cancer screenings here in Malaysia, ignorance and the fear of finding out such dreaded news.
Genes, environmental factors, food and lifestyle also affect your risk of cancer. It is understandably why a diet rich in antioxidants such as the beta-carotene (a pro-vitamin A commonly found in yellow to orange fruits), vitamin C, vitamin E (the old school vitamins) and others such as quercetin, lycopene and other plant flavonoids is recommended. Environmental factors such as pollution, chemical and toxic waste from industrial output and agriculture may also play a role in cancer development.
Common lifestyle that the 20's - 30's enjoy such as drinking and smoking could also lead to cancer (esp smoking and the high incidence of lung cancer).
So?.....since you can't change your race, then choose not to live past 80!!. It does look like a double-edge sword. You live longer, you'll end up with cancer (and it is a painful way to die) . But then again, who wants to have a short life?...sigh.....So it is best to try to eat better, exercise regularly and butt off cigarette smoking. Drinking should not be in excess and if you do drink, go for red wine instead (1 glass a day).
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Combat hot weather....Heee Ya!!

Coughs, sore throats and infections are common and with the weather condition not abating anytime soon or even unpredictable at times, I have compiled a few tips for all of you to follow and hopefully remain healthy throughout ….
1. Drink loads
Drink at least 2 Liters of water daily. As you tend to perspire more under all that heat, replenishing bodily fluid is of utmost importance to avoid dehydration. Since 70% of the body is made up of water, not drinking enough may lead to malfunctioning of the body system, including immune health. Go for fresh fruit juices, plain water or isotonic drinks. Avoid teas, coffees, alcohol and carbonated drinks as they can promote urination and ultimately, loss of water.
2. Eat better
If you have the intention of planning and eating better for 2010, this is the time to do so. Opt for more fruits and vegetables as they contain more immuno-boosting vitamins and minerals that may help to give your body a boost. Chuck away your fetish for sweets and fast foods. They are usually laden with both sugar and fats that you can do without (or less). Take less refined carbo (e.g cakes, biscuits, chocolates, wafers, white bread, white rice and noodles) and choose complex carbo instead (e.g whole-grain buns and bread, rice crackers, vegetables and fruits). Go for lean meat, eggs, fish and poultry as your protein source but trim off the fats. Method of cooking is also important as vegetable curry with santan and fried chicken will not sit well with the nutritionists.
3. Stay indoors
Hard as it seems for outdoorsy type like me, you can’t help it but to stay indoors when it is scorching hot out there. If you must, wear skincare cream with SPF protection of at least 50. Bring an umbrella and wear a cap or hat to protect your skin from getting sunburned. Sunburn skin damage leads to premature ageing and pigmentation. Excessive exposure to the sun may also increase your risk of skin cancer.
4. Do light exercise
You can still enjoy your weekly exercise regime, but do so during the morning sun (6am to 10am) or at dawn (5 pm to 7pm). Afternoon sun is the most hazardous to health. If possible, go for indoor sports such as futsal, badminton, yoga and gym instead.
5. Clothing
Wear light breathable clothing. Tight leather wear will promote perspiration and too-tight pants may increase the risk of urogenital infections in women (urinary and sexual organs such as bladder and vagina). Men are not spared either as sweat + bacteria = bad BO
6. Take more showers
Frequent showers cool the body and reduce embarrassing problems such as BO. You are also advised to take more baths if you have skin disorders such as acne or eczema as sweat may promote bacterial infections of the skin and aggravate your skin condition.
7. Supplements
This is an option really. But people who take supplements on a regular basis are better able to ward off infections compared to those who are not. Supportive nutrients are vitamin C, antioxidants, vitamin Bs and certain herbs such as garlic and Echinacea.
These promote immune health and help fight diseases of the respiratory tract or even speed up recovery.
8. Sleep well
Adequate sleep of 7 to 8 hours is advised. Night sleep is where the body rests and repairs itself from the day’s stresses and onslaughts. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, mood swings and sickness.
9. Manage your stress
Breathe in, breathe out………take a few deep breaths. When work is piling up, demanding and unreasonable tasks and favours can take their toll on your body. When you are not at work, do the things you enjoy most such as reading, cooking or listening to the music to relieve stress and anxiety. Try not to bring work home and switch off your cell phones (unless you are into sales). Your mind needs to ‘switch off’ to focus on more relaxing things and your body needs to unwind for the next-day battle.
10. Plant a plant
Save our planet! One of the reasons why the weather is as such is because of global warming. We are directly doing this to ourselves (modernisation and development). If you have a garden, go plant some trees, if you live in an apartment, you can have smaller shrubs and flowering plants at your balcony. Plants release oxygen and cool the air surrounding us (when the sun is up). Recycles, reuse and reduce wastes such as plastic and bio-non degradable substances. A friend of mine uses all his wine bottles as drinking water containers. Another friend simply refuses to take plastic bags from the cashier when buying groceries. I applaud their effort as all tiny steps can add up to gargantuan results to make our mother earth a better place to live in.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Do you know........
Do you know?
1. Taking regular naps in the afternoon raises your risk of diabetes. In addition, daytime napping tends to disrupt night-time sleep, and again those who sleep for just a few hours a night are known to have a greater chance of developing diabetes.
2. A too-tight shirt collar might be an indicator of future heart troubles. Doctors have long measured fats in the abdominal area as an indicator for cardiovascular diseases and now, the fats around the neck is also shown to be closely associated with cholesterol levels and diabetes. Got a thick neck?.........go exercise boy!
3. The hotter the weather, the more severe the headaches. Many of us can relate to this, seeing that the Malaysian weather is usually hot and humid. It is believed that warmer weather leads lower blood pressure and there is good evidence migraines are related to changes in blood flow around the brain.
What is normal eating?
Came across this interesting article on eating and what constitute normal eating (while spring-cleaning my workstation). I believe normal or abnormal eating is a very subjective matter. To me, it may not be normal, but to another, it is alright.
Normal eating is:
1. Being able to eat when you are hungry and continue eating until you are satisfied
2. Being able to choose the food you like and eat it and trully get enough of it - not just to stop eating because you think you should
3. Being able to use some moderate constraint in your food selection to get the right food, but not so restrictive that you miss out on pleasurable foods
4. Giving yourself permission to eat sometimes because you are happy, sad or bored, or just because it feels good
5. Three meals a day, most of the time, but it can also be choosing to munch along
6. Overeating at times, feeling stuffed and uncomfortable. It is also undereating at times and wishing you had more
In short, normal eating is flexible. It varies in response to your emotions, your schedule, your hunger and proximity to food. However, as normal lifestyle now requires periodic exercise, normal eating now requires periodic dieting , implying that society demands that individuals eat enough to maintain an acceptable body size and no more.
~Ellyn Satter~
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Don't junk your sleep
I have heard of junk food....but junk sleep??
Junk sleep = the inability to gain quality sleep due to technology.
Hahahhaha.......i agree, as sometimes i enjoy watching youtube or blogging.
My body says "go to SLEEP" but my brain wouldn't let me....... sigh, what to do, I feel that we do not have enough hours in a day these days....

Pic above: Sleeping Beauty....now this is what i call quality sleep
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year Yo’ll
What’s more when you also have ‘new’ addition to the family in the form of nieces and nephews, making the occasion more celebrative. This is the time where many of us also take long breaks (a week) for visiting all relatives and friends, especially, my bad, for not making time for them throughout the year (excuse: being very busy and all, which is the truth!).
But before all that can happen, several days of spring-cleaning the house, queuing at the banks for new notes (and ang pow packets) and preparing ‘soong lai’ gifts for in-laws and parents are the norm for married couples.
Children are extremely excited during CNY as this is the time they get to play dress up and receive red packets from their uncles and aunts. Grandparents, on the other hand waited eagerly to show off their grandchildren to others and the adults will definitely drink (alcohol galore), eat and play cards (tsk....tsk....) till the wee hours of the morning.
This CNY will not be any different for me. Besides being labeled a drug pusher by family members for taking orders and buying all sorts of supplements on my aunts’ behalf, this year, I would also like to take the opportunity to do some bird-watching back in Teluk Intan. My husband and I just bought ourselves a pair of Nikon Monarch 8 X 42 binoculars from Singapore (a friend once warned us that it will be a real expensive hobby…..sigh….i wonder whether this can be considered a sport for tax deduction purpose?).

“Once you are into birds, it is quite difficult to ‘switch off’ as you tend to be more sensitive towards their presence such as the sounds they make” said another avid birder friend of my husband and this is soooooo true. We also tend to look up at trees and skies more often these days, just to see whether there are any birds that we could spot. The thrill of discovering a new bird, capturing them on camera and later identifying these birds is very gratifying.
So, yes, we will be trying to squeeze in birding during CNY and hopefully these birds are as merry as us during this festive period. Before that, some tips for all you guys and gals out there:
1. Drink loads….not the alcoholic type. Drink as much water as possible to rehydrate yourselves. The hot weather and all the CNY activities can easily caused dehydration, leading to fatigue. We all love our alcohol but do so in moderation. Water fills you up more, so you tend to eat less.
2. Don’t overindulge. I know it is going to be hard but at least practise some form of self-control, especially on biscuits, fizzy drinks, fatty foods and Chinese Mandarin oranges. One to two pieces of everything is fine.
3. Wear sunscreen with SPF 50 to protect the skin against UV rays that can cause skin pigmentation and also promote ageing.
4. Exercise if you have time or simply expend more energy than you consume. Getting involved in more activities (e.g birding, photography, playing with the kids) can also take your mind off eating.
5. If you like to overindulge, try supplementing your diet with herbal tonics such as Milk Thistle and Dandelion. These herbs help cleanse the liver and detox the body.
6. Plan your journeys and drive safely. Your loved ones would like to see you arriving in one piece. If you are tired, take a short nap at designated petrol kiosks along the highways. Snacking on berries such as blueberries or drinking an infusion of wolfberry tea helps improve eye circulation and reduce tiredness. You may also get this in the form of capsules at your local pharmacies.
7. Lastly, do not stress yourselves out. Just go with the flow, don’t be too calculative and endure all negative remarks/questions thrown at you in good faith (they meant well and only wanted to strike a conversation with you, and these are the standard questions, so you can’t say you are caught off guard by them).
Happy Chinese New Year to everybody and I’ll fill you with more updates after my CNY break!
My agenda for CNY
13th Feb – Pre CNY dinner with the in-laws
14th Feb – Driving up to TI to visit David’s side of the relatives plus birding
14th Feb – Driving back to KL to meet up with mom’s side of the family at Putrajaya
15th Feb – Visit dad’s sides of the family in Klang
16th Feb – Visit relatives in Klang valley
17th – 19th Feb – road trip to Melaka
20th Feb onwards – attending friend’s and relatives’ open houses
Gong Xi Gong Xi!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Final part of Health & your horoscope
Sagittarius governs the hip, thighs and the sciatic nerve which are often areas of complaint for you. You may be prone to illnesses connected with movement such as muscular aches and pains, arthritis and rheumatism. Also bones and teeth may give trouble. So take extra care and keep yourself as supple as you can. Walks and light exercise will bring benefits to the joints and drink plenty of calcium rich milk or supplement to keep your teeth and bones in peak condition.
Capricorn rules the bones joints and knee-cap. Your biggest health enemies are rheumatism and dislocations of the knee and joints. Your general physical health is good this year but you may be prone to stress. The important guideline for the year ahead is to rest properly whenever you can so that you don't burn yourself out from over-work. Also try to do proper warm-up so to reduce your risk of post-exercise injuries.
Aquarius governs the calves, circulation and breath. This year you may be more prone to indigestions and stress. You'll be running around and hurried meals might just lead to stomach upsets. Try to avoid junk food and fast food. You'd be better off with a high fibre diet with lots of fruit and vegetables for your energy source instead.
Pisces rules the feet, toes and lymphatic system. Many of you have a bad posture standing with a stooping gait and a clumsy step. Yoga is the perfect activity for you. Luck is on your side this year and good omens are to be found in the health area of your chart. It is as if the planets protect you and keep you from harm, so I suggest you should not push your luck by doing all the opposites!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Honey for my honey

No one has any answers till yesterday! My husband and I were browsing and patronizing all the newly opened bazaar-like stalls set up at DPC (Desa Park City). One of the stall operators, who happens to be an apitherapy consultant (never heard of this profession before) is talking about home-grown honey from his farm in Johor. He is actually very professional and not just looking at pushing sales…….and we took our opportunities to ask this expert about some doubts that we had……..
Some interesting info on pure good honey (the good quality type)….
How do you serve honey?
Preferably do not use metal spoons or utensils while serving honey as it might affect the nutrient content of honey, sometimes up to 30%. Alternatively, you can use a plastic or wooden spoon for this purpose.
Can honey be stored in plastic jars or containers?
Good quality honey should be stored in glass containers/bottles. This is because the plastic containers produced in Malaysia are normally of inferior quality and again this will affect the nutrient content of honey. However, Manuka honey from New Zealand (one of the best honey in the world) can be stored in plastic jars, often in crystalised form with good quality plastic materials.
I normally add hot water to a spoonful of honey to make a cup. Is this a good practice?
Good quality honey dissolves quickly in cold water. If you need hot water to dilute your honey, your honey is either fake or of poor quality. Once added with cold water, you can shake the mixture and you can see white foam forming on the brim of the liquid (this is the sugar content) and stays put for more than ½ hour. Poor quality honey will also form foam but tend to disintegrate fairly quickly.
Can diabetics consume good honey?
They can, but with moderation. However, honey will not help with their condition
To lengthen the shelf lives of honey, can I store them in the fridge?
If they are of a good quality, you should not. This is because condensation can destroy the nutritive value of honey. Just leave the honey at cool dry places will do and they should be able to last for more than a year. Honey, in its natural form will not go bad.
What is Propolis Honey?
Propolis is produced by the saliva of the stingless bee. These bees use the saliva as wax to line their honeycombs, as to ward off virus and bacterial infections and to protect their honey. It contains antibiotic materials and also rich in bioflavonoids, rutin and enzymes to help strengthen the immune system and regenerate the body. Coupled with honey, this combination is beneficial for colds and coughs, respiratory illnesses, phlegm and all sorts of inflammatory diseases (eyes, gut, joints and skin).
What is Royal Jelly?
A rich creamy white liquid, royal jelly is produced by worker bees and used exclusively for the nourishment of the queen bee, which is recognised for her longevity, energy and stamina for reproductive capabilities. To humans, royal jelly can help in mental alertness, fatigue and also enhance sexual desires and performance (Though I feel all these claims should be verified by proper clinical studies but then again, it has been traditionally used for thousands of years, which is worth something).
Can I use honey in cooking?
Yes, you can, but frankly speaking, it will be a waste as you will not be able to enjoy the natural sweetness of honey. For cooking, you can go for the cheaper variety like those being sold in plastics bottles in supermarkets.
Is honey suitable for everyone?
Generally yes, unless you are allergic to bee products.
We were also treated to a tasting session where we sampled honey from different plants such as acacia, bittergourd (very interesting as they have this bitter-sweet taste, the Chinese says ‘Kam’) and pure propolis honey from Brazil (this tasted rather nasty, but then again all good stuff do not necessarily taste good).
All in all, it was good fun and had been an educational experience.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Health & Horoscope Pt 2
Aries rules the brain and head including the ears eyes and nose. It also rules the cranium, bones of the face, teeth, pineal gland and optic nerves. The head is also the area of the body that is most susceptible to illness, including headaches, migraines, pimples and teeth problems. The coming year would be a busy year for you so ensure that you eat well and sleep well.
Taureans generally have a short stout body and many are overweight. Taurus rules the neck, throat, larynx, tonsils and lower jaw. Also it rules the thyroid, tongue and vocal cord. Many Taureans are prone to goitre, tonsillitis and other illnesses of the throat. Stress may lead to overeating so be mindful of that. Manage stress by going for jogs, yoga and swimming instead. Exercise releases the 'happy' hormone endorphin and also helps you keep fit and tone muscles.
The sign of Gemini rules the arms hands fingers and shoulders. The lungs, thymus and bronchial tubes as well as the nervous system are all governed by Gemini as is the spine and dorsal region. The health areas to watch are connected with the lung including asthma, bronchitis and the common cold. You are a born worrier and are prone to stress and tension. The hectic pace this year means that more than ever you must take time out to unwind.
Cancer rules the stomach diaphragm and upper liver. More interesting it also rules the breast and this is where the Cancerian health is most noticed. Illnesses you should watch out for include any weaknesses connected with the stomach. Your natural sensitivity makes you prone to tension, usually because you get too involved with everyone else's problems, so make sure you take some time out that's just for you. It is also good for you to lose weight (if you are overweight). Go on more vege and fruits and cut down on junk foods.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Health & Horoscope

Leo rules the heart, spine and nerves as well as the blood circulation, spleen and wrists. Back problem is a common complaint so you must always take special care when lifting heavy objects. You are so liable to neglect your health because you are so involved in sorting out so many things during the coming year. Hence, pay attention to health worries.
This year the emphasis has shifted from material concerns to matters of the heart. The coming year is an emotional roller coaster but with more ups than downs. Eat better, exercise, calm down, give up smoking and soon you’ll be in the pink of health!
The sign of Virgo rules the abdominal organs, duodenum and the bowels. Virgo also governs the fingernails and many of you have nails that a girl would kill for. Your health worries are normally connected with bowels so make sure you get your fiber. Drinking 8 glasses of water, exercise and managing stress can help relieve constipation. Virgoans are also prone to colds so you might need to up your intake of vitamin C! Go for guava as it contains the most vitamin C per 100g.
The sign of Libra governs the adrenals, kidneys, and the vasomotor system. Libra also governs the skin which means you'll remain beautiful into old age. The illnesses you must guard against include kidney complaints and bladder disorders.
Newly married Librans may have ‘stocks’ paying them a visit, babies! There are travel opportunities in May, July, August and September. You must also discipline yourself for your stars also suggest overindulgence leading to weight gain, so keep away from too many sweets and limit alcohol.
Most Scorpios are strong, sexual and energetic. The sign of Scorpio governs the bladder, colon, prostate and nasal bones. It also governs the sexual organs. Scorpios must be careful of hernias and may suffer from menstrual disorders (females). This can be addressed by intakes of the good fatty acids (omega-6 from plant oils and evening primrose oil). For the elderly males with prostate problems, you can find relief in Zinc, Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin seed.
Stay tuned to more horoscopes the next time ………..
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The world's happiest countries
I am not sure how they were rated and concluded in the survey above...seeing some of these their people still living in poverty.
Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world. Singapore rank 40th, and Malaysia at 20th (i need to confirm this).....
Not surprisingly, Zimbabwe, which has an AIDS rate of 25%, an average life expectancy of 39, and an 80% poverty rate, ranked near the bottom at 177.
Happiness is subjective. To some, having loads of money and materialistic wealth is happiness but to some doing social work that does not pay much makes them happy. I have also met people who lives frugally but willing to splurge when it comes to fulfilling life experiences (learning to pilot a plane, travel extensively, picking up a language) and also people who have loads of cash but have not experience much in their lives........so what makes you happy?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
You are unique

How is it when 2 persons mate and you get offsprings that inherit certain characteristics from you and your partner.....the traits can be good (like how tall you going to be, hair colours and eyes) or the bad traits such as genetic diseases.
Colour blindness, haemophilia (blood cannot clot properly, resulting in serious bleeding), thalasemia (also a type of red blood cell disorder) are some of the common conditions passed down from generation to generation.....often afflicting male offsprings and the females ended up as carriers for the defective gene.
When I was still schooling, i used to tease my sister by telling her that she must have been adopted for knowing how to roll her tongue, while I can't. And my husband always nudge me to 'practise' rolling my tongue, thinking that it is some kind of skill that i could pick up with just a few tries. "Hey! it is either you can do it or you can't. It is in the genes" i retorted.
see link
However, family studies also demonstrate that tongue-rolling is not a simple genetic character as studies done on identical twins show that it can be influenced by both genetics and the environment.......so i guess you can try to practise and see whether you can indeed roll or twist your tongue....who knows?
You can also try this fun experiment on how genetics play a role in shaping the way you are (see link)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Would you buy a designer doughnut?

In Malaysia, we can see that Dunkin Donut is not doing too good, probably beaten by the cutesy cupcakes and also the more 'classy' doughnut franchises such as J & Co and Krispy Kreme which are mushrooming around the city. Singapore has also got a famous franchise called Donut Factory (which in my humble opinion serves one of the best doughnuts, though the KK original glazed is also tasty).
Perhaps one day, we should have sambal ikan bilis doughnut, hawaiian chicken doughnut and dragon fruit doughnut (Malaysian flavours)......
Monday, January 25, 2010
Healthy peepers during birding

Besides FRIM, we have also visited the forest trail in Kota Damansara. However, we did not spot that many birds there. We have better luck standing at the pond located just along the road where many birds such as the Asian glossy starlings love perching on dead tree trunks.
I totally need to get a good pair of bins (short for binoculars) as my current one seems to be making me dizzy. All these bird-watching is also taking its toll on my eyes. I guess it is probably due to all the eye-straining searches for these birds in the wild. Now back to the health part……….
If you noticed, when a baby is born, the white of the eyes are usually clean and clear. As we grow older, the daily onslaught of pollution, harmful UV rays, smoking, alcohol and lack of sleep may result in red blood vessels showing up in the white of the eyes. Some herbalists can pinpoint the disorders one is facing just by looking into the white of the eyes. Squiggly-looking blood vessels, yellow spots and sometimes brown spots can mean different things in the field of sclerology. You can also see white ring (or cholesterol ring) that encircles the pupil which usually means that the person is suffering from cholesterol build-up of the arteries.
Many people simply consume these berries fresh, or make them into jams and as for the kei chi, the Chinese always love to add them into soups and ‘tong sui’ (a type of sweet beverage).
Follow these simple steps for management of eye strain and tiredness:
1. When traveling, it is advisable to stop for a rest or a short nap during a long drive. This will freshen you up before you hit the road again
2. Try exercising your eyes by moving them in a circular motion without moving your head. Do this after a long day of reading or computer use or every ½ hour of close work
3. Protect your eyes from strong UV rays with a pair of UV-coated sunglasses
4. Get your eyes regularly checked by an eye specialist
5. For those wearing contact lenses, do not wear disposable contacts longer than recommended.
6. Use eye drops to keep the eyes moist and always wash your hands thoroughly before taking out or putting in your contact lenses
7. Don't face the air-con vent directly as this will cause dry eyes.
8. Airplane travel often leaves your eyes dry. Humidity in an aircraft cabin is usually less than 20%. Apart from drinking lots of water to rehydrate the skin, limit the intake of alcohol and caffeinated beverages as they will cause you to lose fluids.
9. Wear glasses instead of contact lenses
10. Assess your work station to ensure a good ergonomic set-up. Ergonomically unfriendly office furniture may lead to eye strain
11. Monitor screens should be placed away from direct sunlight or use a glare filter
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Did Mona Lisa have high cholesterol?

Last week, my husband and I went to the Da Vinci – The Genius exhibition at the National Science Centre in Mont Kiara. The exhibition demonstrates the full scope of Leonardo Da Vinci’s remarkable work as an inventor, artist, anatomist, sculptor, engineer, musician and architect.
Before this, i didn't know that Leonardo from a small place called Vinci (hence, Leonardo Da Vinci) was the mind behind the concept of scuba diving, planes, war tanks, catapults and machine guns. He was well-known to most of us as an artist who produced masterpieces such as "The Last Supper" and the ever famous "Mona Lisa" (I am very contented to have seen the real portrait currently housed in the Lourve Museum, Paris many years back).
The highlight of the exhibition in my opinion is the “Secrets of Mona Lisa,” which showcases the work of French engineer Pascal Cotte. His life-long passion for the preservation of the Mona Lisa led him to invent the 240-megapixel Multi-spectral Imaging Camera, which uses infrared technology and intense illumination to uncover how the Mona Lisa looked as she was originally painted.
Other interesting facts are:
1. The portrait of Mona Lisa is actually unfinished (at least in the eyes of Leonardo Da Vinci)
2. Mona Lisa has no visible facial hair—including eyebrows and eyelashes.
3. Until this day, nobody can confidently say who the sitter was (Was Mona Lisa a real female or did Da Vinci used his own likeness when drawing the portrait?).
Another interesting speculation by a researcher from Sicily is that he spotted clear signs of xanthelasma, the accumulation of cholesterol just under the skin around Mona Lisa's left eye as well as evidence of a lipoma, a fatty-tissue tumour, on her right hand.
Read more at:
All in all, i enjoyed the exhibition but will only recommend to those who love arts especially art from the Renaissance era.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
AB is for modern
AB is for Modern. Of the 4 blood groups, type AB blood is the rarest (less than 5% of the population), with the majority of us being type O (about 50%). Type AB is the newest of the blood types, evolutionary speaking. Type AB resulted from the intermingling of Type A with Type B (an A blood group person marries a B blood group person). Thus, they share both the benefits and the challenges of both Type A and Type B blood types. Type AB is sometimes A-like, sometimes B-like and sometimes a fusion of both.
Type AB often receives mixed messages about emotional health. While you tend to be drawn to other people and are friendly and trusting, there is a side of you that feels alienated from the larger community. At your best, you are intuitive and spiritual, with an ability to look beyond the rigid confines of society. You are passionate in your beliefs, but you also want to be liked by others and this can create conflicts. Type ABs often described themselves as emotional, passionate, friendly, trusting and empathetic.
Eat Right for Wellness
- Type ABs lack enough stomach acid (like type A) to metabolise meat efficiently and the meat you eat tends to get stored as fat.
- Type AB should avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially when you’re in stressful situations.
- Type AB should focus on foods such as tofu, seafood, dairy and green vegetables if you are trying to lose weight.
- Avoid all smoked or cured meats. These foods can cause stomach cancer in people with low levels of stomach acid.
- A few highly beneficial fish for type Abs are mahi-mahi, red snapper, salmon, sardines, and tuna.
- Some dairy is also beneficial for Type AB – especially cultured dairy such as yoghurt.
- Recommends smaller, more frequent meals, as they will counteract digestive problems caused by inadequate stomach acid and peptic enzymes.
Stress and Exercise
- For Type ABs, when it comes to stress hormones, you most resemble Type O in your tendency to overproduce catecholamines like adrenaline. Yet you also have the additional complexity of Type B’s rapid clearing of nitrous oxide, so you suffer the physical consequences of high emotions.
- Your greatest danger is the tendency to internalise your emotions, especially anger and hostility, which is much more damaging to your health than externalising it.
- Exercise plays a critical component in stress reduction and maintaining a healthy emotional balance for Type AB. A combination of both calming activities and more intense physical exercise to help maintain an optimal balance is advised. For example, three days of aerobic exercise such as running or biking and two days of calming exercise such as yoga or tai chi.
Live Right
- Cultivate your social nature in welcoming environments. Avoid situations that are highly competitive.
- Avoid ritualistic thinking and fixating on issues, especially those you can’t control or influence.
- Develop a clear plan for goals and tasks – annually, monthly, weekly, daily – to avoid rushing.
- Make lifestyle changes gradually, rather than trying to tackle everything at once.
- Engage in forty-five to sixty minutes of aerobic exercise at least twice a week. Balanced by daily stretching, meditation or yoga.
- Engage in a community, neighborhood or other group activity that gives you a meaningful connection to a group.
- Practice visualization techniques daily
- Also carve out time alone. Have at least one sport, hobby or activity that you perform independently of others.
- Break up your workday with some physical activity, especially if your job is sedentary. You’ll feel more energised.
Monday, January 11, 2010
And you asked how about blood group 'A'?
In general, type `A’ blood group of people may be classified as introverted individuals.
The Type A people tend to over-respond to even minor stress. This is due to their naturally high basal cortisol (a type of hormone that is active in metabolism) levels and tendency to overproduce cortisol during stress. They also don’t benefit as much as the other blood types when they practise stress-reducing exercises.
For Type As, they may benefit from the following diet & lifestyle strategies:
Lifestyle Strategies
• Cultivate creativity in your life
• Establish a consistent daily schedule
• Go to bed no later than 11pm and sleep for 8 hours or more. Don’t linger in bed. As soon as you wake up, get moving!
• Take at least two breaks of 20 minutes each during the work day. Treat them as mini vacations. Use this time for meditation or reflection.
• Engage in 30 to 45 minutes of calming exercise at least three times a week
• Plan regular screening for heart disease and cancer prevention
Dietary Strategies
• Don’t skip meals.
• Eat more protein at the start of the day, and less at the end.
• Don’t eat when you are nervous or because you are nervous. Your stomach initiates the digestive process with a combination of digestive secretions and muscular contractions that mix food with them. When you have low levels of digestive secretions, food tends to stay in the stomach longer.
• Schedule smaller, more frequent meals – six instead of three
• Always chew your food thoroughly to enhance digestion. Low stomach acid makes digestion more difficult.
Eat right for Strength and Balance
• Limit sugar, caffeine and alcohol. These are short-term “fixes” that ultimately increase stress and slow down your metabolism. One cup of coffee, or one cup every six hours, is usually acceptable for Type As.
• Don’t under-eat or skip meals. Avoid low-calorie diet.
• Eat a balanced breakfast, with more protein-containing food. It is the most important meal of the day for balancing your metabolic needs and your stress response.
• Smaller, more frequent meals will counteract digestive problems caused by low stomach acid.
Dietary Guidelines
Indigestion due to low stomach acid:
• Avoid dairy products, fried and processed foods, soybeans, peanuts and lentils. Increase intake of foods that are rich in fibre such as leafy vegetables and whole grains. Have a cup of diluted lemon juice every morning before breakfast.
Stress: Emotional Equalisers
For emotional health and avoidance of Type A-related mind-body imbalances, incorporate the following behaviours into your daily life.
• Speak up when you feel anxious or overwhelmed. Don’t repress or ignore
• Before you add an activity or responsibility, give up one you already have.
• Use natural light therapy in your work space.
• Be decisive. Procrastination raises cortisol levels.
• When exercising, stop before you reach your limit
• Break your mental and physical work into segments
• Supplement your diet with stress-relieving adaptogens.
The following factors are known to increase cortisol levels and mental exhaustion for
• Crowds of people
• Unproductive meetings
• Financial concerns
• Long telephone calls
• Negative emotions
• Anxiety for others
• Cold or hot weather conditions
• Sunbathing
• Lack of sleep
• Coffee (more than 1 cup)
• Smoking
• Dieting (low calories)
• High-carbohydrate breakfast
• Too much sugar and starch
• Violent movies
• Strong chemicals
• Strong smells or perfumes
• Loud noise
• Overwork
• Too much exercise
• Arguments