Thursday, February 4, 2010

Honey for my honey

Over a dinner gathering with fellow colleagues the other day, the topic of honey popped into the discussion table. This is as we are eagerly anticipating our company trip down under this coming May and we are talking about souvenirs to buy for loved ones back home. Someone told me that we should not buy honey in plastic jars and i wondered why.......

No one has any answers till yesterday! My husband and I were browsing and patronizing all the newly opened bazaar-like stalls set up at DPC (Desa Park City). One of the stall operators, who happens to be an apitherapy consultant (never heard of this profession before) is talking about home-grown honey from his farm in Johor. He is actually very professional and not just looking at pushing sales…….and we took our opportunities to ask this expert about some doubts that we had……..

Some interesting info on pure good honey (the good quality type)….

How do you serve honey?

Preferably do not use metal spoons or utensils while serving honey as it might affect the nutrient content of honey, sometimes up to 30%. Alternatively, you can use a plastic or wooden spoon for this purpose.

Can honey be stored in plastic jars or containers?

Good quality honey should be stored in glass containers/bottles. This is because the plastic containers produced in Malaysia are normally of inferior quality and again this will affect the nutrient content of honey. However, Manuka honey from New Zealand (one of the best honey in the world) can be stored in plastic jars, often in crystalised form with good quality plastic materials.

I normally add hot water to a spoonful of honey to make a cup. Is this a good practice?

Good quality honey dissolves quickly in cold water. If you need hot water to dilute your honey, your honey is either fake or of poor quality. Once added with cold water, you can shake the mixture and you can see white foam forming on the brim of the liquid (this is the sugar content) and stays put for more than ½ hour. Poor quality honey will also form foam but tend to disintegrate fairly quickly.

Can diabetics consume good honey?

They can, but with moderation. However, honey will not help with their condition

To lengthen the shelf lives of honey, can I store them in the fridge?

If they are of a good quality, you should not. This is because condensation can destroy the nutritive value of honey. Just leave the honey at cool dry places will do and they should be able to last for more than a year. Honey, in its natural form will not go bad.

What is Propolis Honey?

Propolis is produced by the saliva of the stingless bee. These bees use the saliva as wax to line their honeycombs, as to ward off virus and bacterial infections and to protect their honey. It contains antibiotic materials and also rich in bioflavonoids, rutin and enzymes to help strengthen the immune system and regenerate the body. Coupled with honey, this combination is beneficial for colds and coughs, respiratory illnesses, phlegm and all sorts of inflammatory diseases (eyes, gut, joints and skin).

What is Royal Jelly?

A rich creamy white liquid, royal jelly is produced by worker bees and used exclusively for the nourishment of the queen bee, which is recognised for her longevity, energy and stamina for reproductive capabilities. To humans, royal jelly can help in mental alertness, fatigue and also enhance sexual desires and performance (Though I feel all these claims should be verified by proper clinical studies but then again, it has been traditionally used for thousands of years, which is worth something).

Can I use honey in cooking?

Yes, you can, but frankly speaking, it will be a waste as you will not be able to enjoy the natural sweetness of honey. For cooking, you can go for the cheaper variety like those being sold in plastics bottles in supermarkets.

Is honey suitable for everyone?

Generally yes, unless you are allergic to bee products.

We were also treated to a tasting session where we sampled honey from different plants such as acacia, bittergourd (very interesting as they have this bitter-sweet taste, the Chinese says ‘Kam’) and pure propolis honey from Brazil (this tasted rather nasty, but then again all good stuff do not necessarily taste good).

All in all, it was good fun and had been an educational experience.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Health & Horoscope Pt 2


Aries rules the brain and head including the ears eyes and nose. It also rules the cranium, bones of the face, teeth, pineal gland and optic nerves. The head is also the area of the body that is most susceptible to illness, including headaches, migraines, pimples and teeth problems. The coming year would be a busy year for you so ensure that you eat well and sleep well.


Taureans generally have a short stout body and many are overweight. Taurus rules the neck, throat, larynx, tonsils and lower jaw. Also it rules the thyroid, tongue and vocal cord. Many Taureans are prone to goitre, tonsillitis and other illnesses of the throat. Stress may lead to overeating so be mindful of that. Manage stress by going for jogs, yoga and swimming instead. Exercise releases the 'happy' hormone endorphin and also helps you keep fit and tone muscles.


The sign of Gemini rules the arms hands fingers and shoulders. The lungs, thymus and bronchial tubes as well as the nervous system are all governed by Gemini as is the spine and dorsal region. The health areas to watch are connected with the lung including asthma, bronchitis and the common cold. You are a born worrier and are prone to stress and tension. The hectic pace this year means that more than ever you must take time out to unwind.


Cancer rules the stomach diaphragm and upper liver. More interesting it also rules the breast and this is where the Cancerian health is most noticed. Illnesses you should watch out for include any weaknesses connected with the stomach. Your natural sensitivity makes you prone to tension, usually because you get too involved with everyone else's problems, so make sure you take some time out that's just for you. It is also good for you to lose weight (if you are overweight). Go on more vege and fruits and cut down on junk foods.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Health & Horoscope


Leo rules the heart, spine and nerves as well as the blood circulation, spleen and wrists. Back problem is a common complaint so you must always take special care when lifting heavy objects. You are so liable to neglect your health because you are so involved in sorting out so many things during the coming year. Hence, pay attention to health worries.

This year the emphasis has shifted from material concerns to matters of the heart. The coming year is an emotional roller coaster but with more ups than downs. Eat better, exercise, calm down, give up smoking and soon you’ll be in the pink of health!


The sign of Virgo rules the abdominal organs, duodenum and the bowels. Virgo also governs the fingernails and many of you have nails that a girl would kill for. Your health worries are normally connected with bowels so make sure you get your fiber. Drinking 8 glasses of water, exercise and managing stress can help relieve constipation. Virgoans are also prone to colds so you might need to up your intake of vitamin C! Go for guava as it contains the most vitamin C per 100g.


The sign of Libra governs the adrenals, kidneys, and the vasomotor system. Libra also governs the skin which means you'll remain beautiful into old age. The illnesses you must guard against include kidney complaints and bladder disorders.

Newly married Librans may have ‘stocks’ paying them a visit, babies! There are travel opportunities in May, July, August and September. You must also discipline yourself for your stars also suggest overindulgence leading to weight gain, so keep away from too many sweets and limit alcohol.


Most Scorpios are strong, sexual and energetic. The sign of Scorpio governs the bladder, colon, prostate and nasal bones. It also governs the sexual organs. Scorpios must be careful of hernias and may suffer from menstrual disorders (females). This can be addressed by intakes of the good fatty acids (omega-6 from plant oils and evening primrose oil). For the elderly males with prostate problems, you can find relief in Zinc, Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin seed.

Stay tuned to more horoscopes the next time ………..

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The world's happiest countries

I am not sure how they were rated and concluded in the survey above...seeing some of these their people still living in poverty.

Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world. Singapore rank 40th, and Malaysia at 20th (i need to confirm this).....

Not surprisingly, Zimbabwe, which has an AIDS rate of 25%, an average life expectancy of 39, and an 80% poverty rate, ranked near the bottom at 177.

Happiness is subjective. To some, having loads of money and materialistic wealth is happiness but to some doing social work that does not pay much makes them happy. I have also met people who lives frugally but willing to splurge when it comes to fulfilling life experiences (learning to pilot a plane, travel extensively, picking up a language) and also people who have loads of cash but have not experience much in their what makes you happy?