Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Health & Horoscope Pt 2


Aries rules the brain and head including the ears eyes and nose. It also rules the cranium, bones of the face, teeth, pineal gland and optic nerves. The head is also the area of the body that is most susceptible to illness, including headaches, migraines, pimples and teeth problems. The coming year would be a busy year for you so ensure that you eat well and sleep well.


Taureans generally have a short stout body and many are overweight. Taurus rules the neck, throat, larynx, tonsils and lower jaw. Also it rules the thyroid, tongue and vocal cord. Many Taureans are prone to goitre, tonsillitis and other illnesses of the throat. Stress may lead to overeating so be mindful of that. Manage stress by going for jogs, yoga and swimming instead. Exercise releases the 'happy' hormone endorphin and also helps you keep fit and tone muscles.


The sign of Gemini rules the arms hands fingers and shoulders. The lungs, thymus and bronchial tubes as well as the nervous system are all governed by Gemini as is the spine and dorsal region. The health areas to watch are connected with the lung including asthma, bronchitis and the common cold. You are a born worrier and are prone to stress and tension. The hectic pace this year means that more than ever you must take time out to unwind.


Cancer rules the stomach diaphragm and upper liver. More interesting it also rules the breast and this is where the Cancerian health is most noticed. Illnesses you should watch out for include any weaknesses connected with the stomach. Your natural sensitivity makes you prone to tension, usually because you get too involved with everyone else's problems, so make sure you take some time out that's just for you. It is also good for you to lose weight (if you are overweight). Go on more vege and fruits and cut down on junk foods.

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