Monday, December 28, 2009 - Party pooper After the fun, pain - Party pooper After the fun, pain

Had a Christmas dinner with my family. It was the first time we had a cook-out session and dressing of the Christmas tree.

Dinner was superb and we had sangria ( a Spanish cocktail) which had turned a few of us salmon-faced.

Hope you find the article above useful. I also would recommend liver tonics such as Milk thistle (herb) which is easily available at all major pharmacies.

This herbal supplement helps protect the liver, detox and may be beneficial for people who drinks........even if you don't, you can also try the herb if you are currently on medications as this taxes the liver as well.

Happy Holidays!

Below sourced from Singapore Straits Times

Nursing a hangover

Are you suffering from a festive hangover? A traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) physician, a bartender and a nutritionist give some tips on how to get rid of that morning-after feeling.

TCM physician

Grind 30g of dried orange skin, add a pinch of salt and mix with 250ml of drinking water.

Alternatively, break 250g of water chestnut (including the skin) into pieces.

Add 60g of sugar and boil both ingredients in 300ml of water. Filter the juice and consume accordingly.

'These recipes work by clearing the heat in our bodies. Heat arises when too much alcohol is consumed,' said senior TCM physician Yu Zhe Kai, who practises at Eu Yan Sang TCM Clinic.


'Prevention is better than cure. Stick to just one spirit a night. As the alcohol content in spirits vary, you tend to get a hangover a lot faster if you mix your alcoholic drinks than if you were to stick with just one type,' said Mr Jeffrey Yap, a bartender at Home Club.


'Mix a few teaspoons of lemon juice in water the day after the party. This helps stimulate the liver for it to detox the alcohol faster,' said Ms Sigrid Grobys, a nutritionist at An apple a day.

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