Seven more working days and I am off .........clearing my leave for the year. Not to say that i did not plan my leave any better but i normally like to clear them in December. Hence, I planned this since March ok.......
Somehow, work always seem to creep up at the very last moment. "We are launching this product next month, can you work on it now?", "I know you will be away, but i need your team to handle this", "We have this last minute roadshow request from a doctor" .......and the requests go on and on..............argh.....
Year end is awfully stressful for many of us as we are not just anticipating bonus and increments but also planning where to go on our long break. I remember vividly my last two trips that caused me visits to the doctor and MCs. I am not sure whether is it due to the ageing process or simply dehydration, but on both occasions, I ended up with a bad case of stomach flu and had to stay home for the rest of the holiday season.
I am abit phobic right now if you ask me to sit on a plane for hours, for fear i will get another case of the flu again. I guess it is true that when you are traveling and seems to be on an amazing race of your own, your adrenaline level signals your immune system not to break down and only to fall apart after you have reached home.
I hope that the tips below offer some help for the avid travelers out there:
1. Always rehydrate your body. Dehydration can cause fatigue, mood swings and dry flaky skin (esp true if you are sitting in an aircraft cabin for hours). Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
2. Have sufficient rest/sleep. This will ensure that the body repairs itself from the day's onslaught.
3. Plan your trip to avoid unnecessary stress. Stress can be a trigger for poor immune system and not to mention, unhappy spouse/partner/friend.
4. Do bring along some vitamins and the most general would be vitamin C or just any antioxidants that may give your body a boost in energy and ward off sickness.
5. Go slow. Since Malaysians are practically a kiasu bunch of people, we ended up being so hyped up about seeing everything and neglecting (1) and (2) and thus like me, endured the consequences.
6. Eat at reputable and clean eateries. My family and I have had a few chronic cases of food poisoning that I do not wish to share (just too painful).
7. If you are prone to stomach upset, you can try probiotics (friendly bacteria) available in capsule form.
8. Pack healthy snacks such as fruits and salads as these will provide you the essential vitamins and minerals. Good options if you intend to go for picnics in the parks.
9. Ext to item (7) - Carry a mini first aid kit which consists of the following items; paracetamol, carbon pills, 'minyak angin', plasters of various sizes and counterpain cream.
10. When things don't go as planned, just go with the flow............
Happy holidays to everybody!
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