DIY 1: When do we know it is time to throw that old pillow into the bin?
1. Fold your pillow into half and place a handbag on it. If it springs back, your pillow is doing fine......if it just stays put, it is time to trash it and get a new one.
2. Another way is to stretch out your left arm and lay the pillow across your arm. If it looks like a pair of saddlebag, then it is probably time to replace it.
Caring for your pillow......
3. Doctor says placing the pillow in the freezer for 12 hours will kill dust mites. mmmmm......raising any eyebrows yet? I say airing your pillow under the hot sun for several hours will also do the trick, not to mention that it won't end up smelling like frozen chicken!
4. House dust mite is the number one allergen in Malaysia (allergy-causing bugs), so make sure you change your bed sheet often , say once in two weeks..
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